Ethicon Applies for FDA Approval of Physiomesh
March 8, 2010 – Ethicon, Inc. applies for FDA approval of Phsyiomesh Flexible Composite Mesh, used to repair abdominal hernias. Ethicon uses the FDA’s “fast-track” 510(k) approval process, which does not require Ethicon to conduct clinical safety and efficacy trials. Source
FDA Approves Physiomesh to Use for Hernia Repairs
April 9, 2010 – FDA approves Ethicon’s Physiomesh Flexible Composite Mesh to use in surgical repair of hernias and other conditions that require mesh reinforcement. Source
FDA Notified of Physiomesh Infection Case
November 30, 2011 – The FDA receives a report linking Ethicon’s Physiomesh to infection and reoperation. Source
Ethicon Applies for FDA Approval of Second Physiomesh
September 17, 2014 – Ethicon, Inc. applies for FDA approval of Physiomesh OPEN Flexible Composite Mesh through the FDA’s “fast-track” 510(k) approval process. Source
FDA Warns of Serious Hernia Mesh Side Effects
October 6, 2014 – The FDA releases a safety communication warning doctors and patients of serious side effects associated with hernia mesh, including pain, adhesions, and hernia recurrence. Source
FDA Approves Physiomesh OPEN for Use in Open Hernia Repairs
October 23, 2014 – The FDA approves Ethicon’s Physiomesh OPEN Flexible Composite Mesh for use in open ventral hernia repair. Source
Physiomesh Linked to Higher Rates of Recurrence and Reoperation
2016 – A large data analysis from two independent health data registries links Physiomesh with a higher rate of recurrence and reoperation than comparative products. Source
Illinois Man Files Ethicon Physiomesh Lawsuit
April 1, 2016 – An Illinois plaintiff files a lawsuit against Ethicon, claiming Physiomesh caused him to suffer serious injuries requiring additional surgery and resulting in ongoing health problems. Source
Ethicon Removes Physiomesh Flexible Composite Mesh from the Market
May 25, 2016 – Ethicon and parent company Johnson & Johnson send an urgent field safety notice to hospitals and medical centers warning them to stop using Physiomesh for laparoscopic repairs, after the product was found to have higher rates of recurrence and reoperation compared to other similar products. Physiomesh is removed from the market. Source
Plaintiff Files Physiomesh Lawsuit Over Recurrence; Claims Manufacturers Were Aware of the Dangers
December 2016 – A Florida plaintiff seeks punitive damages against Ethicon, claiming Physiomesh caused her recurrent hernia, pain, and adhesions, and alleging that the manufacturers continued to sell the product well after they were aware of its safety risks. Source
Georgia Woman Blames Manufacturers for Physiomesh Intestinal Obstruction
February 2017 – A Georgia woman files a federal lawsuit claiming Physiomesh caused hernia recurrence and intestinal obstruction. Source