April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month – a topic that is particularly important for teen drivers and their parents. Teen drivers are much more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than adults – largely due to lack of experience, but with technology and other distractions contributing as well. When parents are aware of the risks, they can better prepare their teens for the road.
Risks facing teen drivers
Unfortunately, auto accidents are the number one cause of death for teenagers in the U.S. Among all age groups, 16 to 19-year-old drivers have the highest rates of both crashes and traffic violations. That age group is also four times as likely to be involved in fatal accidents as drivers aged 25-29. According to driving statistics, there are three primary factors that lead teen drivers into serious accidents.
- Lack of experience and focus needed to quickly and accurately detect and respond to hazards
- Speeding or failing to adjust speed to the road conditions
- Distractions, both inside and outside the vehicle
Steps to prevent teen crashes
The good news is that teen crashes can be prevented. Studies show that when teens have parents who are helpful and supportive and who set rules and take an interest in their activities, their likelihood of a crash is cut in half.
Remember that teens are still learning, even after they have received a driver’s license. You can help them drive safely by modeling good behavior yourself – do not text while driving, do not drink/eat and drive, and talk to them about safe driving habits. Consider other measures like:
- Limit or prohibit the number of friends who can be in the vehicle with a teen driver
- Understand your state’s graduated driver’s license laws and limit your teen’s night driving
- Enforce safe driving choices with following up unsafe choices with firm consequences
Technology to prevent distracted driving
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving killed 3,450 people in the United States in 2016 alone. While technology can be a dangerous distraction, it can also be a helpful tool. Hellotech lists five top teen driving apps designed to help parents. Each app offers unique features, giving parents the ability to make choices that best suit their families.
Features of some of the apps include disabling text while driving, sending speeding and other alerts to parents via text message, and even automatically changing a teen’s desired playlist to a parent-determined (i.e. uncool) playlist when safe driving parameters are violated.
Understanding your rights after a traffic accident
We hope this information will help you keep your teen driver safe. When a teen or adult is involved in a distracted driving accident, it can cause immeasurable physical pain and financial loss.
If you or a family member have been involved in a distracted driving accident, speak with a caring and committed Pittsburgh car accident lawyers today. We keep your needs in view as we fight for the compensation needed to make you whole. Do not delay; call today for a free, confidential consultation.