Did you know that approximately 3 million new cases of scoliosis are found in children each year? Many of them are identified between 10-12 years old, but sometimes even earlier.
With so many things to worry about with our children these days, it’s easy to forget that the condition can get overlooked. Following are five facts that parents should know before their child’s next doctor’s appointment.
Early diagnosis is very important.
Make sure your doctor examines your child’s back. Common signs, according to Johns Hopkins University, include uneven shoulders or hips.
There’s no known cause.
There’s no way to prevent scoliosis as there’s currently no known cause. A common misnomer: bad posture or heavy backpacks do not cause the condition.
It’s probably genetic.
While there are instances where the child could be the first in the family to have the condition, most times, scoliosis is something others in the family already have – whether diagnosed or not.
Treatment is not always required.
Despite assumptions, treatment for scoliosis — such as braces and casts — is only required in approximately 30% of patients. Additionally, only 10% of patients actually require surgery.
However, if surgery is needed, do your research.
Not all surgeries are created equal. Discuss the pluses and minuses with your family about the best solutions for your child.
Chaffin Luhana is currently investigating cases against the NuVasive Magec System. If you have questions or have a child who’s been forced to go through painful revision surgeries or other corrective surgeries because of a broken or defective NuVasive Magec rod, you may be eligible to file a Nuvasive Magec System lawsuit to recover damages.