Chaffin Luhana LLP is proud to support the Class of 2020 as a sponsor of 22 The Point’s virtual graduation ceremonies. Starting June 15, a number of Greater Pittsburgh area high schools’ graduations will air during prime-time television to showcase the senior class’ accomplishments.
“Graduating from high school is such a rite of passage; there’s so much this year’s seniors did not get to experience,” says Eric Chaffin, Founder and Managing Partner of Chaffin Luhana LLP. “While we can’t give them a prom or the graduation ceremonies they all deserve, our firm still wanted to do what we could to show our support. Teaming up with 22 The Point was an easy choice.”
Each virtual graduation ceremony will feature a speech from the class valedictorian, information on the top 10 students, and a message from the principal. Share your school announcement on our social media page to help support our senior class of 2020.