The Chaffin Luhana Foundation, partnering with Pittsburgh Steelers Running Back Najee Harris and his Da’ Bigger Picture Foundation, is now accepting submissions for its annual Anti-Distracted Driving Scholarship Contest, awarding a $2,500 scholarship to one student in the Greater Pittsburgh Area who submits an inspiring personal essay on increasing distracted driving awareness.
PITTSBURGH, Jan. 20, 2022 — The Chaffin Luhana Foundation, in partnership with Pittsburgh Steelers Running Back Najee Harris and his Da’ Bigger Picture Foundation, is pleased to announce that it is accepting submissions for its annual Anti-Distracted Driving Scholarship. The 2022 scholarship will award a local student in the Greater Pittsburgh area helping in the fight against distracted driving with a $2,500 scholarship to be applied toward further education.
This is the second event in which Chaffin Luhana and Harris have partnered together – the first being November 2021’s Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway, during which they gave over 600 turkeys to those in need in both Pittsburgh, PA, and Hancock County, West Virginia.
“I’m very proud to continue my partnership with Chaffin Luhana,” says Harris. “And by promoting awareness of the dangers of distracted driving, we really have the potential to help young people make an immediate change for good – not only for themselves, but for others.”
The Chaffin Luhana Foundations’ annual Anti-Distracted Driving Scholarship Contest aims to educate students to recognize the dangers associated with distracted driving and raise awareness by submitting an inspiring essay about the subject. These essays can be about a personal experience, a proposed awareness campaign, or technology and its impact on distracted driving.
“We’re excited once again to offer our annual scholarship to promote distracted driving awareness to students in the Greater Pittsburgh area,” says Eric Chaffin, Managing Partner of Chaffin Luhana LLP, and a Trustee of the Chaffin Luhana Foundation. “With the essay contest, our goal is to help students recognize the dangers of distracted driving and to truly understand the impact it can have on families and communities. It is our hope that by partnering with Najee and his Da’ Bigger Picture Foundation, we can make an even greater impact by increasing the awareness about distracted driving among students and families in Pittsburgh.”
The NHTSA defines distracted driving as “any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment or navigation system—anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving.”
“We really want to encourage students to participate in this opportunity,” said Founding Partner and Trustee, Roopal Luhana. “With each years’ scholarship entries, we see some amazing responses – responses that are meaningful, impactful, and definitely worth sharing.”
High school and college undergraduate students in the Greater Pittsburgh Area are invited to submit a 500-700 word essay about topics such as detailing a personal experience with distracted driving, technology’s impact on the rise of distracted driving, or creating their own idea of an effective distracted driving awareness campaign.
For more information on our scholarship contest, rules, and criteria, visit our website: The application deadline is July 31st, 2022.
About The Chaffin Luhana Foundation:
Eric Chaffin and Roopal Luhana established The Chaffin Luhana Foundation in 2010 to honor their humble roots, to build upon the values of integrity and resilience instilled in them by their hardworking parents, and to carry out Chaffin Luhana’s mission of Doing Good by Doing Right.™
A not-for-profit organization, the Foundation encourages the development of human potential and supports community empowerment through the endowment of funds to deserving recipients, the creation of community-based enrichment projects, and the support of important scientific research that meaningfully impacts the underprivileged and sick in society. For more information, please visit
About Da’ Bigger Picture Foundation:
Da’ Bigger Picture Foundation was founded by Najee Harris with the mission to help families experiencing homelessness and to assist low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response. Some of the key areas of focus are education, homelessness, addressing hunger and utilizing sports as a platform to develop life skills, as well as to advocate for public policies that alleviate poverty and promote the economic stability of low-income families. For more information, please visit
Media Contact
Dan Reo
Chaffin Luhana Foundation
(888) 480-1123